Be my neighbor? Revisited

2013-11-08 11.42.01My previous post was about a home for sale. There’s a newly remodeled place down the way that is for rent. As you can see, close neighbors are not an issue with this place.

If you head left from this place, you get to the corner store about 100 meters away. If you go right, and go to the end of the lane, you get to our house.

2013-11-08 11.42.47We’ve been watching this place be remodeled since we moved up here. The inside was gutted, so it’s all new in there. While I have not been inside, there is supposed to be a big room, with an attached and enclosed kitchen out the back. The upstairs is divided into two rooms, with the upper balcony for morning coffee. The nice wall is only in the front, though the owner told Bua that when she gets renters, she’ll expedite replacing the barbed wire fence with a good wall on the other three sides.

2013-11-08 11.44.00No worries about neighbors on this side, since there is a massive pond full of water flowers. You can see some construction trash along the side of the house that is still in the process of being removed. At a guess, I think the pond is 60 meters by 60 meters, but I’m not sure. Too bad it isn’t stocked with fish, and a bit less clogged with plants. If it were, you could almost fish out the livingroom window.

2013-11-08 11.43.16This side shows much more of the construction waste that is in the process of being cleaned up.

You can also get a better view of the kitchen area at the rear of the house. I think once the surrounding walls get finished, this will be quite a nice Thai style home.


2013-11-08 11.44.53

Here’s another view of the entry way, and the upper porch. In our entryway area we have a small cafe table and a couple of chairs. It really makes for a nice place to sit and enjoy the day. On this house, they should catch some afternoon sun, but the mornings should be shaded.

The owner also said she’s more interested in older, longer term renters. She’s putting a good amount of money into the house, and wants someone who is going to treat the house well.

I don’t have a name for the owner, but the Thai phone number is 087-951-4857. She told us rent was going to be 5000 baht, about $160 USD, per month. It looks like there was a DSL line to the house before, so Internet access would not be a problem.

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